Download Star Wars Battlefront II From PS4 Library Your most recent purchases will be located at the top of the list. Once you purchase Star Wars Battlefront II from the PlayStation Store the game will be added to your Downloads List/Library on your PlayStation system.
Find Star Wars Battlefront II In Downloads List You can buy Star Wars Battlefront II from the PlayStation Store by opening the store, signing in to your PSN account, adding Star Wars Battlefront II to your cart, and confirming the purchase. Here’s a guide on how to buy, download, and install Star Wars Battlefront II from the PlayStation Store.
You get the chance to play as iconic characters such as Darth Maul, Luke Skywalker, and Yoda, Star Wars Battlefront II launched for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 17. The story follows Iden Versio, a commander of the elite Inferno Squad.